
As well as sharing our own updates we will be inviting farmers, chefs and many people from every corner of the regenerative agriculture community to share their own farming journals and delicious recipes.

NEONICS - The EU-Banned Pesticide Which England Nearly Let Back In

Community Journal Farms to Feed Us CIC Community Journal Farms to Feed Us CIC

NEONICS - The EU-Banned Pesticide Which England Nearly Let Back In

Earlier this year, we wrote about the derogation of neonicotinoid thiamethoxam, an EU-banned pesticide, for the sugar beet industry in England. The government cancelled the derogation last week. Here we have Catherine Chong, our co-founder, a climate economist and global sustainability advisor, to help us understand what’s at play and find out more about what Neonicotinoids can do to our food, heath and ecosystems.

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Who Feeds Us?, Community Journal Farms to Feed Us CIC Who Feeds Us?, Community Journal Farms to Feed Us CIC

Cinnamon Buns, Curiosity and Conversations

In the Highlands of Scotland, not far from the mountain resort town of Aviemore, there is a bright yellow horsebox, decorated with colourful flags. That horsebox is the home of Reviving Food, a mobile micro-bakery, where founder and owner Rosie Gray bakes and sells sourdough bread and pastries to feed the small, rural community of Kincraig.

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Not the Farmer's Wife Farms to Feed Us CIC Not the Farmer's Wife Farms to Feed Us CIC

The Anatomy of a Loaf of Bread

Not the Farmer’s Wife is our new column launching today by our storytelling editor and & projects manager, Olivia Oldham. “It was mid-September, and the last of the summer sun was slowly burning off the morning mist rising from rivers and fields between Reading and Bristol. I was on my way to Somerset, to visit Field Bakery, Bristol-based baker Rosy Benson’s new enterprise.”

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