We came together to support our farmers and to imagine and nurture a regenerative food future


We are a social enterprise run by volunteers. We are activists, farmers, journalists, and economists. Our goal is to connect people with farmers, fishers, and food producers during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.

The crisis has laid bare the fragility of our food system. While supermarket sales are surging, many of Britain’s smaller farms and producers are wondering whether they will survive. We came together to provide a platform for the farmers who were still working hard every single day to care for us all! 

It’s time to value the people who feed us.

As we slowly emerge from the long crisis, we want to provide a space where the relationships formed during this time have room to grow and thrive. What is the food and farming future we want to nourish together?


Join our community

If you would like to help us and be part of our small volunteer team, please get in touch here.

If you are looking to add your details to the database then please submit your farm, further information can be found on our FAQ.