Suppliers FAQ

If you have any further enquires or would like to help us and be part of our small volunteer team, please contact us


I am currently unable to take new orders, should I list myself on the website?


We want the database to be useful to members of the public, and so to mainly contain listings of producers that are currently able to supply new customers. However, there is an option within the listing to state whether or not you are currently able to take new orders. As long as this is kept up to date, we would encourage everyone to place their listing. If your availability changes, the listing can be easily changed.


I am unable to deliver but am currently offering an order and collection service. Should I list?


So long as this is made clear and correct counter-infection guidelines are followed, we would encourage you to list.


I am a producer who has previously sold only wholesale and I don’t have the infrastructure for individual direct sales, can you help?


We do not ourselves have any capacity for order-fulfilment, packing or delivery. However, we realise that an important part of re-aligning food chains will be new means of local cooperation such as the development of hubs, shared delivery routes and other resources (and indeed that this is already happening). Please let us know if you are in this position and we will try to create links where we can.


I am a small business selling food from small producers (such as a shop, small wholesaler etc). Should I list on the website?


So long as it remains true to the overall principles of short-chain sourcing from small producers, it should be approved. We encourage you to submit a listing and we will consider each application on case by case basis.


I provide a food delivery service and I am looking to engage with small producers. Can I list?


We would not encourage you to list as you are not providing produce, but please get in touch so that we can link you up with anyone who approaches us needing these services.


I want to be taken off the database


That’s fine, just let us know – we can delist you within hours, no questions asked.


Can I list another person/business on their behalf?


Please do not to do this. For the purpose of data protection, the listing process includes giving consent to our holding and listing the data submitted, and this needs to be done by the person whose data it is (i.e., the producer or business owner). Instead, please let us know who you were thinking of, and we can contact them. Or – feel free to encourage them to sign up yourself!

Contact us.

If you have any further enquiries or would like to help us and be part of our small volunteer team, please get in touch as we’d love to hear from you.

If you are a farmer, grower, dairy, bakery, winemaker, fisher and would like to list your business, submit your details here.